Frank Kun

Frank, born Ferenc Kun in Hungary in 1922, worked as a Shift Manager at Greensmiths Mill in Winshill.

He was familiar with the Hungarian Milling Method employed by Greensmiths and therefore a valued member of staff. Frank had arrived in the UK in the early 1950s after an adventurous escape after the second world war. Fighting on the side of the Germans he surrendered to the Russians in early 1945, but survived, even thrived, where many of his compatriots faced years of camp enslavement or worse. Surprisingly, Frank seemed to move around post war Europe with ease, with his love of photography and his miniature camera always close at hand.


After arriving in the UK and a period of time in North Wales as a coal miner, he settled in Winshill, Burton, marrying Waltraud Kruger, a German national who was living in the UK. They moved into 126 Newton Road, the semi-detached cottage owned by the Mill, a perk of his senior position within the mill.  Soon their only child Zoe arrived and Zoe Kun, an inquisitive and intelligent child, became an important part in the story. Once we had traced her, she provided with fascinating glimpses into life in and around the Mill in the late 1960s and the life of her father.


As well as his position at the mill. Frank was a barber at the weekend, working at a Gents hairdresser on Burton High Street owned by Peter & Graham Stone.


Frank Kun had access to all of the areas of land around the mill, including the deposition site. He had access to a key that opened the gate that revealed the wooden bridge that crossed the Trent to the deposition site, and he spent time on that piece of land working on improving the sluice system that controlled the waterflow to the mill. Frank was very familiar with that piece of land.


The Kun family emigrated to Australia in late 1969 leaving in some haste having also applied to emigrate to South Africa, Canada and New Zealand. Australia came through first.


Frank Kun died in Australia in the early 2000s.


Fred the Head

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