
What do you think about the latest developments in this case? Share your thoughts with us. As the owners of this website and the blog, we reserve the right to moderate the discussion.
December 2, 2023



  1. Nathan

    Any sign of episode 46? I can’t stand the suspense 😁

  2. Rebecca Owen

    The policeman kept the skull ? Was that normal procedure ? What happened to it ? – I remember I think in early episodes mention that it was missing now & that skeleton is somewhere?

    • Ken Davies

      Hi Becky

      It’s a complete mystery why the skull was separated from the body by the authorities – it certainly wasn’t done by the perpetrator. The body was interred in Stapenhill cemetery in Burton without the head – the head was interred with the rest of the body in around 2015

      • Rebecca Owen

        Thanks Ken . Do you know why the policeman kept the skull? Surely not usual police procedure ?

    • Baz.

      One more thing!
      Does a body decompose the same in ash as it does in soil? Could it be that Fred could have been buried earlier and the decomposition delayed because he was in ash? Were there any inventories for the distribution of police uniforms and perhaps someone we know was in the force at the time made a request for a replacement during 69-71? ( long shot! )

  3. Nicola

    Just to say I enjoyed the last episode but I’m missing the discussion that used to take place following each episode
    For me that made it the best podcast out there. Since the fb page blowout it just hasn’t been the same and I’m concerned that this blog does not seem to replicated the great and useful discussions. What are other people thoughts
    Would a podcast fb page be useful?

  4. Nathan

    Maybe a forum on this website rather than Facebook.

    I’m wondering why John Gick would just leave his brand new car unlocked at the pier-head.

    • Ken Davies

      Thanks for the feedback – we’ll have a think about it

      • Bee

        Yes, that’s a good point! I’d been wondering why it wld turn up unlocked on that ferry. Also wondered whether the leaving gift for his good acquaintance was ever purchased? Did his longstanding acquaintance see him return to his car at all or even notice if anybody at all loaded the car – that is – if the chap was working the crossing that day?
        I too am in terrible suspense as to how long we will be waiting and deliberating separately until the next episode. Fantastic podcast and greatest respect for Fred’s cause.

    • Rebecca Owen

      I agree . A forum on here would allow those of us not on Facebook to contribute

  5. Baz

    Hi all,
    After listening to all the podcasts I became almost addicted to it, I find it fascinating. Several avenues to ponder on. Frank didn’t clone his and his wife’s names did he? Was just TOO much of a coincidence the same names down south? Did the boy who found the burnt uniform find the buttons? Could it have been a scout leaders uniform? Is it possible that Fred could have been taken dead or alive to the deposition site in a boat as in that position could easily be put in a boat. Then clothing burnt after murder and burial?? Could a body tied up like that be convenient to hoist down to a boat or the ground like a flower sack or put down a slide?? Didn’t the chap who phoned the police after Nathan found the body have connection with a scout group too? Was there any feedback from the Isle of Man about teeth? Finally is podcast 46 the last one?

  6. Sonja

    Dear Ken and others,
    The website looks lovely and I appreciate the opportunity to see and read in addition to just listening to the podcast..
    Do you have some thoughts about a podcast based Facebook group to facilitate exchange of information and discussion? Many other podcasts that I follow have some representation on social media, also for the purpose of marketing.
    I am looking forward to new episodes and wish you all happy holidays !

  7. Nathan

    Not sure what percentage of people still use Facebook, I don’t and Rebecca has said the same. I don’t know what happened on the previous Facebook page but whatever it was it seems to be the reason this site was created. It would be great to read other people’s thoughts about this case and the superb podcast.
    Merry Christmas too!

    • Rebecca Owen

      I agree with Nathan . There is a thing called Discord which other podcasts use to allow followers to open discussions and comment . I use that but I don’t know how Ken would go about joint that if he wanted to. Maybe this blog is sufficient ? It’s good to read the comments from others .
      Looking forward to the next episode .

      • Nathan

        A Discord chat server would great for this. It would probably need a couple of volunteers to be moderators to check on it.

  8. Rebecca Owen

    “Joining”not “joint “
    Apologies for the typo!

  9. Nathan

    Does anyone have a theory why John Gick being assaulted meant that he was outed? He didn’t even report it to the police, so was it the just fact that he went missing that drew attention to his private life. I feel that he didn’t necessarily need to go into hiding because he had some injuries that could’ve been explained away. Am I missing something?

    • Rebecca Owen

      It is all shrouded in mystery isn’t it. I can only surmise that after he was assaulted he completely panicked & so decided to disappear.

  10. Nathan

    Any ETA on episode 47 Ken?

  11. Giles Myhill

    I am genuinely fascinated by this case.

    It seems very odd that John Gick should simply disappear. At 37, back in the 60’s, and still a bachelor, could it be that he was gay??? I say that NOT because he was a scout master, or that he was attacked in a public loo. Maybe he decided to start a new life with a man on the mainland without having to explain himself to friends, family and colleagues???

    Homosexuality was illegal on the Isle of Man until 1994, from memory – it was certainly legalised long after the legislation which came in in 1967 for England and Wales (1980 for Scotland, again, from memory) shocking though that may seem.

    It does seem odd that a former colleague of his should claim to have seen him some months after his disappearance.

    Just a theory. The blood in the car may well just have been his having got into the vehicle after he had been attacked.


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